SMART is proud to provide veterans and military families of Southeastern Michigan with a range of transportation services. Home health services are a great alternative to living in a nursing home, as they allow elderly people to “age at home” with elderly care services. Homewatch Caregivers of Sterling works with Veterans Care Coordination to provide home care for veterans. According to VHA Financial Policy, Volume VIII, Chapter 2, Bene Travel, Treasury Department Tax Service, 31 CFR, part 208, reimbursements for veterans must be made through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).The Veterans Transportation Service (VTS) is designed to ensure that all eligible veterans have access to medical care through convenient, safe, and reliable transportation.
The VTS provides safe and reliable transportation to veterans who need help traveling to and from VA healthcare facilities and authorized appointments outside the VA. The VA Veterans Transportation Program (VTP) offers veterans many travel solutions to and from their VA healthcare facilities. The Financial Services Center (FSC) has created a web-based application that veterans can use to electronically update, change or add their EFT information.
Connector Service
Connector Service is a curb-to-curb service that can be used to travel anywhere within designated service areas. Dealers provide transportation services to veterans seeking VA-approved and non-VA-approved care in rural areas.VTS also partners with service providers in local communities to meet the transportation needs of veterans. The period from February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 is known as the Era from Vietnam for veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during that time.
Beneficiary Travel Program
The Beneficiary Travel (BT) program reimburses eligible veterans for expenses incurred traveling to and from VA healthcare facilities. If the veteran was in service on December 31, 1946, continued service before July 26, 1947 is considered service during World War II.ADA Service
The ADA service is a round trip service that is available to ADA certified customers who cannot use the fixed-route service. SMART is proud to offer a range of transportation services for war veterans in Sterling, VA. With the help of VTS and VTP programs, veterans can access safe and reliable transportation services for their medical needs.The BT program also helps eligible veterans cover their travel expenses. Additionally, ADA certified customers can use the ADA service for round trips.